The symptoms of the real demise of the TPLF are recurring over the last couple of weeks from the contradicting statements the TPLF and its mouthpeiece "the Reporter" are making. When the real crack in their rotten system began three weeks ago, they were quick to lament about an attempted coup, that soon turned to assassination attempt and then terror, just within days. They didnot have the courage to accept the reality that people will say, "enough is enough" when the torutre and humilation reaches beyond the level they can humanly tolerate.
From then on, it was all warning and intimidation of the people in successive statements through all the media they control at home, and through the electronic media through their racist representatives in the Diaspora (Aiga Forum). They did not even spare the US and UK governments who were their lifelines all along the last 18 years. And then came their mouthpiece, "The Reporter" with its warning, declaring, "the way forward is peace and only peace", as if TPLF was a promoter of peace, while it was the sole reason for the lack of peace in Ethiopia sice their control of power in 1991.
Peace does not prevail in a country just because one mentioned the word "peace' for political consumption purposes while promoting policies that undermined the peaceful coexistence of the people through actions that favor one minority group, particularly, the Tigray ehtnic group, economically, socially and politically. As stupid as it was, the TPLF believed, it could force the people to believe the unbeleivable, to accept the unacceptable, and to tolerate the intolerable indefinitely.
Even when TPLF was outrightly rejected during the 2005 election, it was not willing to read the visible signs of rejection, nor to listen to the voice of the people, and ignorantly believed it can silence the people's voice through more harsh intimidation tactics of indiscriminate mass murder and incarceration, as it did in the 2005 election aftermath. But that reinforced the determination of Ethiopians,including concerned militray officers and civil serevants, to fight for freedom from repression by a minority of Tigryans, who are at the helm of economic, social and political dominance in present day Ethiopia.
The turn of events over the last three weeks are now forcing the TPLF to sense the real threats to its monopoly of power. It is now witnessing that the time has come, where it can no longer continue cheating and intimidating the majority of the people under any pretext. That is why the TPLF machinery and its mouthpiece are trying to tone down thier arrogance, changing their stance from warning to pleading, just to buy time as usual, but not with genuine belief of the need to reconcile and unite with the rest of the people.
Just within the last couple of days, the "Reporter" has changed from its intimidating stance of, "my way is the only highway" to pleading about the need for unity, expressing its fear of an impending disaster in Ethiopia, if things don't change, and is advising Ethiopians to say, "enough is enough" to Ginbot 7,
which it believes is the culprit for all the current political developments in Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian people know, who was indiscriminately targeting whom over the last 18 years. The TPLF and its mouthpiece should know that the people do not seek their advice today. The Ethiopian people have already said "enough is enough" to the TPLF. The TPLF has to swallow the crude reality that, today it has one and only one choice: to come to terms to the fact that it is a minority and rejected regime, that it can no longer cheat the majority and have monopoly of power over them, and has to be ready to negotiate and accept its real place in Ethiopian politics, or face its total demise for inflicting intolerable pain against the people. It may also risk inflicting revenge on the people of Tigray, for projecting them as the "Arian equivalent of Ethiopia", unless the people of Tigray openly dissociate themselves from this racist group and plege allegiance to the whole of Ethiopia.
The TPLF and its mouthpiece are terrorized by the recent bold revelations of the real and the whole truth, by Ginbot 7 radio and General Haile Meles, and the Genocide Watch, of the crime that was being committed by the TPLF over the last 18 years. My timely advice to the TPLF: leave alone the warning, no amount of pleading will guarantee you the monopoly of power you enjoyed in the past. Hell or High Water, the majority will prevail. Accept this reality and step down!!!